Our eye-catching display, made by Holly Maher of Metropolitan Moms.
The selection of videos we curated.
At 4pm, I presented the Future Weather fundraising trailers. They garnered a controversial response from one audience member who called them "dystopian," "negative" and "irksome". He seemed to feel that a family drama with environmental themes should be more cheerful. While I didn't agree with his assessment, it did spark a very good conversation about the function of narratives.
The day was jam-packed, so unfortunately, I didn't get to see as many of the other tables as I would have liked. But I did experience the free water-filling stations. The idea was to bring your own bottle and refill as needed. It may be a good option for providing water on-set, so I'll report more soon.
We finished the day off with a fantastic line-up of local filmmakers and environmental organizations including Marisa Miller of Kind Green Planet and Philly's own Big Tea Party and David Kessler. Thanks to our volunteers Holly Maher, Joyce Wright, Carolyn Richardson, Amy Coleman and everyone who came out and supported us!
That's no Plastic Bag Man! It's a Bag Monster!!
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My apologies, Bag Monster! I will make the correction and include a link to your website!
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